Niall Carey Niall Carey

Show Notes: Elizabeth

Welcome to the show notes! This is the section where I take the writing/research I’ve done for the episodes and post them for you to see!

Story Summary so far: The clergy has been established and grown in numbers but have been forced underground. They are searching for ways to bring about the end times or the anti-christ but so far have been unsucessful.

This episodes theory: In this episode I would like to discuss my theory that this is an origin story of sorts for the in-universe Papa becoming who he is. I think in the timeline, it comes before Con Clavi or Ritual.


Elizabeth Bathory, was a Hungarian countess back in the 16th and 17th Centuries. She is considered the worlds most notorious serial killer, with an estimated body count well into the hundreds, at most being recorded at 650 people. According to many accounts, she was known to enjoy inflicting pain from a young age.

She was associated with Satanism thanks for the guidance of her Uncle, which may have some effect as to why Papa is researching her. Some of the acts of torture undertaken by Bathory are just horrific and I will not go into detail too much into them for the sake of our stomachs. To give you somewhat of an idea though, some of these methods included cutting, baths of stingy nettles, sewing together the mouths of those that complained or screamed and most horrid of all, feeding the her servants parts of their own bodies, with herself also indulging in cannibalism.

Elizabeth Bathory was given the moniker of the “Blood Countess” and that is due to perhaps her most famous trait; according to some Elizabeth would bathe in the blood of her victims to keep her youthful looks. Whether this is true or not has never been confirmed.


The sigh sounds like someone relaxing in a bath”

Underneath the moonlight of old Hungarian skies
Buried in the blood drenched Earth
These barren lands of ice

The text Papa is summarising is one of the winters of Elizabeths reign of terror, and probably late into that reign to. Bloond drenched Earth. Hungary is not particularly known for being a barren land of ice, so this is somewhat confusing. Perhaps the area was not maintained due to the psychotic nature of Bathory.

She was an evil woman with an evil old soul
Piercing eyes emotionless
A heart so black and cold

Papa sings this like this like he loves her. Or that he idolises her.

Elizabeth, in the chasm where was my soul
Forever young, Elizabeth Bathory in the castle of your death
You're still alive, Elizabeth

This is where my theory comes in. Papa does not refer to “your” soul, he refers to “my soul”, thus making me think that whatever blood ritual Papa has underwent has effected his soul, much like it might have Bathory.

Forever young being at the forefront here, Papa is clearly abit obsessed with this in my opinion. In the castle of your death; not much to discuss there.

You’re still alive” now here comes another portion of my argument. Papa of course is not referring to the actual life of Bathory, but him living on through him as he indulges in her rituals perhaps?

However, I think that maybe this part of the song, he doesn’t actually know about her Rituals in full. Perhaps he’s noticed paintings where she does not seem to age.

Her pact with Satan

Her dispasal of mankind
Her acts of cruelty and her lust for blood
Makes her one of us!

This sounds to me like Papa is becoming even more fascinated by Bathory; if he was not invested before he certainly is now.

However, this speaks somewhat of the intentions of, if not the clergy at large, then at least Papa. “Dispisal of mankind, acts of cruelty” are not what I would call things that were for the good of humanity.

Our ancient countess was refused her desires will
To bathe in pure fresh blood
She'd peasant virgins killed

This I belief is where Papa fully discovers Elizabeths secret to eternal youth and is fascinated by it, thus leading to him becoming obsessed with the idea given the next bit of the song is him repeating the choruses including “you’re still alive” and crying out to Bathroy.

So to summarise: In my opinion this takes place before Con Clavi or Ritual and is the story of Papa discovering Elizabeth Bathory. He becomes fascinated or obsessed with her to the point he attempts one of her bathing rituals and in the process perhaps loses a piece or all of his soul, leaving it open for Satan. He will go on to form the Clergy from here.

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Niall Carey Niall Carey

Show Notes: Ritual

Welcome to the show notes! This is the section where I take the writing/research I’ve done for the episodes and post them for you to see!

Where we left off last episode: The Clergy has formed on the outskirts of society, they are now taking themselves public to try and lure in followers to some success. They were shouted down by the masses of God and have been forced back underground with a growth in numbers.

Now we go into the next scene of our play, Ritual. I picture this as a dark chapel, a very gothic atmosphere. I think some time has passed since Con Clavi Con Dios scene, it seems to me that through a few hints in the song alludes to this. We now join the still smallish clergy in one of their final sermons before the plot to unleash the anti-christ begins.

Tonight we're summoned for a divine cause
Remembrance - No
But for their future loss

Divine Cause” Again, an interesting usage of a word. Divinity can mean the study of religion, perhaps this Ritual is the description/discovery of the Antichrist. It’s odd that he did not use “Demonic” or “Hellish” as Divinity is mostly associated with God.

Rembrance – no but for their future loss” Furthers that theory this is the discovery. Looking for a way to move forward to their future even if it is the end times of the Antichrist.

This chapel of ritual
Smells of dead human sacrifices
From the altar..

The order has been practising human sacrifices during the sermons. Whether this is a vain attempt to call forth Lucifer or just to appease their Lord is unknown at this time.

From the number of sacrifices and the smell lingering, we can infer two things. One: This is not the first sermon of the clergy at this place due to the amount of sacrifices being more than one. Two: The clergy has started taking the children of god by force for their rituals. I don't think they have enough members at this point to sacrifice their own.

Beduins and nomads
Carried through the times
Through pestilences and famines
These ancient scrolls of rhymes

Beduins and Nomads. This line refers to the Bedouin people, a group of nomads who have been roaming the middle east for many centuries. They've endured hardships, the mentioned famines etc and are currently at a clash with Isreal over their status in society. It could be that Papa is comparing his clergy to this group, no real home to be found and unwilling to settle for the society of god.

"Our fallen angel vexed
Was banished from the sky
Recite now from the text
Pray for ALL to die"

This is clearly the story of Lucifer being cast down from the heavens. The text is most likely referring to the anti-bible that has been written by the clergy themselves.

This chapel of ritual
Smells of dead human sacrifices
From the altar bed
On this night of ritual
Invoking our master
To procreate the unholy bastard

The reference to the Altar as a bed gives me two thoughts that are backed up by the lines following. Either A) A sacrifice to a diety is often a “virgin” sacrifice. Perhaps the clergy, since they follow Satan and his Sins, believe that a “corrupted” body is more fitting and to ensure this the deed is done on the altar before sacrifice.

B) They are undertaking sacrifices and then trying to procreate on the scene of this sacrifice in an attempt at invoking the conception of the anti-christ. I don't think this works however.

"Our father
Who art in hell
Unhallowed be thy name
Cursed be the sons and daughters
Of thine Nemesis
Whom are to blame
Thy kingdom come

The prayer of Satan is obviously a direct reference to the lords prayer, it’s very on the nose. Unhallowed is a direct opposite to “greatly revered”. |This perhaps means the Clergy does not see Satan on a pedestal like the followers of God do for him, but more of leader amongst the masses.

The sons and daughters are most likely referring to the holymen of the Church of God whom brainwashed the populace originally and are to blame for the state of society.

Tonight we summoned for His unholy fiend
Now celebrate
The End

Now Celebrate, The End” – Double meaning. It could mean celebrate the endtimes as overseen by Antichrist, celebrating the end of the world and the human race in general. It could also be a statement to celebrate the end of Gods grip on humanity as their order grows larger and their plans move forward.

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Niall Carey Niall Carey

Show Notes: Con Clavi Con Dio

Welcome to the show notes! This is the section where I take the writing/research I’ve done for the episodes and post them for you to see!

I see this as a small gathering, perhaps describing the first ritual.

We are here
For your praise
Evil one

The call out to Lucifer as the “Evil One” is perplexing. The usage of evil in Ghosts world is odd.

Our conjuration sings infernal salms

Usage of the word “Conjuration” vs “Congregation”. Conjuration meaning a magic incantation or spell and congregation meaning a gathering, often for religious worship. Are they trying to avoid marking this as a religion?

And smear the smudge in bleeding palms

Smearing sludge on bleeding palms, a direct reference to dirtying the image of Christ.

Siamo con clavi – We are with nails

Siamo con Dio – We are with God

Siamo con il nostro Dio Scuro - We are with our Dark God.


Demigod” is interesting. It is defined as “a mythological being with more power than a mortal but less than a god” or “a person so outstanding as to seem to approach the divine”. In my eyes neither of these describe Satan very well, do the occult know he lacks the power to defy god?

Our task

Behind mask

Our Task, Behind Mask” has multiple meanings here. Living in a society of God, their order would have to hide themselves for the sake of their safety. This implies a very small group who lack power at this point in the timeline.  It could also be an acknowledgement of future criminal actions?

Chosen Son

Oh, you rebel chief, Destroyer of the Earth

Oh, you rebel chief, Destroyer of the Earth”. This is where we need to make the distinction between a good act and an evil act. They are acknowledging that Satan is inherently destructive, they are under no illusion he is harmonious. But do they want the destruction of mankind or the destruction of their divine society?


We are one

Out of three


We are one, out of three, Trinity” The Unholy trinity is often defined as “beast, Antichrist and Satan”. It is otherwise referred to as “Antrichrist, Satan and False Prophet”. Is Papa here acknowledging their status as the false prophet? Should it not be Jesus in the eyes of the church of Ghost?

Goes on to repeat “We are with Nails, we are with God, we are with our Dark God”. Using the same brainwashing tactics that the Church of God uses perhaps? A continuation of thought from “We are with Jesus, we are with God, we are now with Satan” from the attendees not yet converted?

An attempt at resistance from the followers of god, trying to break up this Chorus with their own worship?

Scene Ends on a blackout to take place in Ritual.

So by this point we should have established the order of Satan and their motivations for the bringing of Lucifer.

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