Show Notes: Ghuleh/Zombie Queen
We begin with 4 words repeated in what sounds like a whispered calling. Ghuleh, as far as I can see is more than likely not a real word. The only definition I could find linking it to the real world is an anonymous post on Tumblr which states: Ghuleh is a word used in Arabian folklore to describe a female Ghoul.
I believe this is the first time we hear from Satan himself in the lyrics. It almost sounds like he’s calling softly to wake her up from sleep and going into a.. well a love song.
A scent that cursed be
Under cold dark dust
These lines are pretty much proof that Lillith has passed during childbirth, and judging by the timeframe it was not too long ago.
According to the Internet, Putrefaction (which is the decay of organic matter involving the decomposition of proteins, breakdown of the tissues and liquefaction of organs) occurs between 10-20 days of passing, meaning this song likely takes place just over a week after “Jigolo”. Now in my personal opinion, this is the first time Ghost has played with time in their universe, as I believe this song takes place after Year Zero which is an unholy celebration that, I think, takes place very shortly after Jigolo.
From the darkness
Rise a succubus
From the earthen rust
Darkness in this verse (and the following) has a double meaning. The first and most obvious is a literal sense of darkness, as in this is taking place in a dark place/on a dark night, but it could also mean the metaphorical darkness that is Death.
Lillith rising again as a succubus makes a lot of sense to me. For those who don’t know, a succubus is a female demon who preys typically on weak mean in their sleep, stealing their souls through… activities. With Lilliths backstory, and a line in the next segment, this is the perfect way to end Lilliths story.
Bringing it back to my first point, from the earthen rust sort of indicates to me that this dark place is a grave.
Haresis Dea
Once a majesty
Now exposing bone
From the darkness
Rise a succubus
And usurp the throne
Haresis Dea is such an interesting line. Translated into English it means “Heretic Goddess”, and kind of goes to show that, in my opinion, this is Satan appointing Lillith the Succubus as the Queen of Hell which is backed up by the final line of the verse, ursurp the throne. Is he speaking of his own throne, or the throne of his current queen though?
Majesty is beauty, exposing bone implies that beauty is being destroyed or rotted. Maybe this is implying that while the physical form may be broken and destroyed, the spirit is still beautiful.
Let’s talk about the obvious change in the type of song this is from here on out. If we look at this from a musical perspective, I would say this is the point of the song that Lillith has started to transform and Satan and the demons of hell are celebrating in earnest.
The moon is full and shines
An evil blinding light
Under a monolith, her likeness
Marble white
We get some of the best imagery in this song and it comes mostly from this verse. “The moon is full and shines an evil blinding light” is just a fantastic way of turning the soft glow of the moon into something sinister, yet, also romantic in a way.
I think the lines “under a monolith her likeness, marble white” pretty much confirms this is in a graveyard. At first I thought it was describing her as being marble white, but in thinking about it it makes sense that this “monolith” is her gravestone and, since its fresh, it’s marble white.
Zombie Queen
Zombie Queen
Black light guides you
Ghuleh Ghuleh
Zombie Queen
Zombie Queen
Black light guides you
Ghuleh Ghuleh
Lilith being queen of hell.
Black light guides is you is a straight up inversion of “going into the light” when you die. This can be seen as her spirit returning the other way, away from the afterlife and into the muddy darkness that is the world.
Up from the stinking dirt she rises
Ghastly pale
Shape-shifting soon but now she's rigid
Stiff and stale
This is sort of describing the process of Lillith becoming the aforementioned “zombie queen” or succubus.
A succubus in common folklore does indeed have the ability to shape-shift to better entice her prey, and it seems Lillith will inherit this power.
Show Notes: Jigolo Har Megiddo
I want to start off by discussing the title of the song, because I think it’s very important to the story we’re trying to tell here. Firstly, Jigolo (or Gigolo) which has two distinct definitions that, while similar, vary dramatically in their meaning. But both of them seem to fit the message conveyed in my eyes.
The first meaning is: “a man supported by a woman usually in return for his attentions”. This could be a sexual manner or not. The second meaning is overtly sexual, that being “a male prostitute”, or more specifically an “escort”.
This is where I think the first clue for the true source of this song is. Now, I want to say that while the anti-christ is still in womb, at it’s not a normal child. It’s a spawn of evil, a demon and doesn’t function the way a regular human baby would.
With that said, I think this entire song is from the perspective of the anti-christ itself, coming into the world fully knowledgeable of its purpose. This is kind of supported by the first meaning, he is a younger man being supported by a woman (just in this case, his mother). And he knows he will go on to corrupt the world of man (with his lust being one such weapon).
Har Megiddo is an actual location in Israel where it is say in the Book of Revelation an apocalyptic battle will take place. More specifically, it refers to one particular hill in the site of an ancient city named Tel Megiddo, known as “Armageddon” or “Harmagedon”. This comes from a combination of the Hebrew word “Har” for hill and a bastardised/shortened version of “Megiddo”.
The usage of the location in the song title gives my theory some further weight, as although only a hypothetical battle is going to take place between the anti-christ and the Church, it is still going to bring about the end times of their world. You could even go so far as to pair it with Jigolo and call him the conceiver of the apocalypse.
I am the one who preys on weak
I offer everything they seek
And I am the one who comes richly endowed
Harvesting crops of fields that others have plowed
I am the one, lascivious
First off, the breathing/sighs. This sort of backs up the reference I made earlier to the birth of the anti-christ, with these being the literal first breaths of him arriving on earth.
Preying on the weak and offering everything they seek is a reference in my eyes to the power he will have to sway the minds of those who are already somewhat indecisive in the war between God and Satan by offering them their prize on his side.
I know that this verse (somewhat because of later versus) sort of suggests a sexual theme (and I’m not denying that it is not present throughout the songs), but if you actually dig in to the meanings behind some of these words it takes on a far more interesting premise.
First off, “richly endowed”. The first thing that jumps to mind is obviously, well you know. But its meaning is not linked to that here. One of the definitions of endowed is “provided or equipped with”, and I think that this is actually referring more to the power possesed by the AC rather than any physical meaning.
Harvesting crops of fields that others have plowed is kind of a dual meaning in my eyes. 1) He is taking the population that has been grown under the eyes of god for his own and 2) He is harvesting the rewards of the work the Clergy has been putting in to converting the masses.
“I am the one lascivious”. On the surface again, a very sexual meaning but I think in the context of this particular verse, it draws more to mean “indecent” or “obscene” in the moral sense. These are dual definitions of Lewd which lascivious partially derives from.
I am the son of one below
The progeny of beast of woe
And I am the son who comes into the daughters of men
Destroying all and make them want it again
I am the son, lascivious
The first two lines are simply explained, but I think they pretty much back up my theory that this song is from the perspective of the anti-christ.
The other two lines are… well. “Comes into the daughters of men” is a pretty obvious one on the surface of it along with the suggestive follow up. However, allow me to present an alternative interpretation.
As I said, I believe this song is a sort of, “pre-birth” dream of baby AC inside Lillith. That context is important because “destroying all and make them want it again” I think could be referring to the fact that this is leading into his birth and he will kill or “destroy” his mother who in her service for Satan, would gladly do it again.
He is the one desacralizer
He is the son of the enticer
The all seeing subterranean kaiser
He is the way, he is the way
A brand new perspective within the song and one which I want to focus on. I think the lyrics are pretty self evident in their meaning (I LOVE subterranean kaiser by the way).
This has two options. I personally know which one I’m leaning towards. The first and less likely in my opinion is this is Lilliths perspective, whispering to both herself to keep strong and the baby within as mothers often do.
Secondly, and one that works best in my head for this plotline in my head, is that this is actually a group of women (midwives, nuns, what have you) gathered to help birth him. This is due to the sort of ritualistic nature of the lines and praise being lorded onto him.
I am the way
And you invited me to stay
However fair and pure, you crave the wand
You see through me what lies beyond
I am the way, and you invited me to stay in my opinion is the moment of the birth of the anti-christ arriving in the world.
The last two lines are a direct message from the AC to the world going forward. That no matter your outlook on life or virtues, you can be corrupted and seduced in some form another to bring about “what lies beyond”. Whether that’s a false vision or not, time will tell.
I am the one lascivious
I am the one lascivious
I am the one lascivious
With magic potion niveous
Sigh. This is kind of where my argument falls short. I can’t really think of anything for “magic potion niveous”. FYI, niveous means “resembling snow, especially in colour”. Thoughts?
Show Notes: Secular Haze
You know that the fog is here omnipresent
When the diseaser sees no cure
You know that the fog is here omnipresent
When the intents remain obscure
I want to discuss the usage of the word fog in this song, more importantly the dual meaning that I think it is used.
The Fog in my eyes is not a literal thing. One of the things I think it is referring to is Satan using his (still very limited on Earth) powers to cloud the judgement of the Church of God, blinding them to the grand plan of the Clergy and perhaps even the feelings of their own followers.
The second could be infact the fog caused by the general population of the world itself. Again, not a literal one, but very much could be an indication that the balances of power are muddled and the people are confused as to who to follow now, being lost in a muddled fog of thoughts.
The first point is backed up with the other lines of this verse: The Diseaser (who I’m assuming is the Devil) is sensing the clergy need a little help (a cure) to fufill his vision. And “intents remain obscure” in reference to the anti-christ plan.
Forevermore sort of backs up the second argument. It’s not strong, but once the trust and believe of the people is broken this much, it’s impossible to win it back. Even if the plan fails, the fog will remain forevermore.
Weave us of mist
Fog weaver
Hide us in shadows
Unfathomable wall-less maze
A secular haze
This is pretty much as close as we’ve gotten so far barring the verse in Ritual to the clergy communicating directly with Satan. Whether you want to call it a prayer, a request to Satan to bring on this confusion to either destabilize the Church or hide Lillith from them.
Secular is a very interesting word to use. In its base original meaning, it doesn’t actually preclude or target God in any form. It essentially means keeping the Church and the State separate to avoid a Theocracy.
However, from a video by the “Forum of Christian Leaders” the word has evolved into a more modern meaning. I quote “It largely means without God. It means Government without God, it means life without God, it means education without God” which fits exactly with the plans of the clergy. They don’t want to destroy religion. Just Christianity.
You know that his son is near omnipotent
When she sees eye to eye with spears
You know that his son is near omnipotent
When youth and innocence disappear
Forever lost
This verse is sort of prophetic of events to come surrounding the anti-christ.
It is my strong belief that “when she sees eye to eye with spears” is referring to the inevitable outcome of Lilliths death during the birthing of the anti-christ, which actually leads us really nicely into Jiggolo as you will see next time.
When youth and innocence disappear and are forever lost could be referring to the anti-christ maturing and coming into his power, perhaps even at birth, or it could be referring to the youth and innocence of mankind as they are about to betray God.
He is divinity omniscient
Seeing the world revolve with spite
The surge of humanity oblivious
To the divine bringingeth light
Let there be night
This verse to me could be from two perspectives. One, it could be the perspective of the Clergy/Satan, praising Satan for his omniscient power who has decided to act due to the corruption/percieved “evil” of God (spite) and observing the changing of attitudes of the populace.
It could also be a verse sung from the perspective of God/The Church and topped off by the Clergy. This could be a sort of counter-prayer in order to halt the efforts of the clergy, with repeated references to divinity and light, which is then extinguished by the Clergys more powerful request “Let there be night”.
Show Notes: Per Aspera Ad Inferi
Is the lust in your eyes
Would not suffice
Based on this line and some evidence later, I believe this song is one half sung by the Church and Clergy trying to convince either the populace as a whole or one person in particular to either remain faithful to God or defect to Satan.
These first four lines to me reek of narcissim and disapproval. Although sung in a rather way on the album, I think this particular set of lines and the next are said by the Church of God.
Assuming in this world God has ruled with an Iron Fist for long enough, sex and anything indecent must be considered unholy or an abomination in his eyes. Thus the reference to the basic human need such as lust being frowned upon as unholy.
Your wishes and dreams
Tanning in lucifer's beams
Hammering the point home to this particular listener, the Church are adamant that if their desires are followed it will end with them under the gaze of Satan instead of the supposed watchful and merciful eyes of god.
Per aspera ad inferi
Per aspera ad inferi
Per aspera ad inferi
Per aspera ad inferi
All your dreams will come true
All your dreams will come true
This I believe is where the clergy has stepped into the song.
The title of the track and Chorus mean “Through Hardships to Hell”, a play on “Per aspera ad astra”, through hardship to the stars which itself is a phrase originating from “Non est ad astra mollis e terris via” (there is no easy way from the earth to the stars).
Taking this all into account it's easy to say this is the clergys way of trying to literally “aim” the world in the right direction, to hell rather than the stars.
Having had enough of the Church attempting to disuade the particular subject of this song, they tell them that through hardships (worship, what have you) that their dreams can be achieved and will come true. But not through the stars, through hell.
Oh Satan
Devour us all
Hear our desperate call
This I believe is actually the subject of the song singing rather than either the clergy or church.
With a simple call out to Satan and the usage of “us all”, it seems that the subject has chosen their side.
Show Notes: Infestissumam
The song Infestissumam is as much as a scene setter as Deus Culpa was previously, but so much more bombastic, portraying how much the following of the clergy has grown in the 9 or so months from the last album.
Il Padre
Il Filio
Et Lo Spiritus Malum
Omnis Caelestis
Delenda Est
The Father
The Son
And the Evil Spirit
Everything heavenly
Must be destroyed
This is a modifcation and mockery of the lords prayer, typically the father, the son and the holy spirit. As mentioned in the previous series, this is what we call the unholy trinity and is a huge theme in the Ghost universe.
As for the following two lines, this is a modus operandi of the clergy. Their plan is about to come to fruition and after waiting 9 long months, their war on God and heaven can take place.
Anti Cristus
Il Filio De Sathanas
The Anti-Christ
The Son of Satan
The most hostile one
And this outline the theme of this album. Whereas the previous was the formation and conception of the anti-christ, this album focuses almost entirely on the birth and rise to power of the nefarious son. Calling him the most hostile one, the leading soldier against gods army.